- The celebrated author of the "Essai sur la
Tactique" was employed to visit the different military hospitals in France;
his journeys with this object, as well as when he went to join his
regiment, were the occasion of these travels, in which there is much
animated description of nature, and several well-drawn portraits of public
183. Voyage en Allemagne, dans le Tyrol et en Italie. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris,
1818. - This work is translated from the German of Mad. de la Recke, by
Madame de Montelieu, and possesses much of that pleasing narrative and
description which characterize female writers of talent.
184. Pauli Hertneri Itinera Germaniae, Galliae, Italitae. Basle, 1611. 4to.
185. Joh. Bernouilli Reisen durch Brandenburgh, Pommern, Preussen, Curland,
Russland, und Pohlen, 1777-8. Leips. 1779-80. 6 vols. 8vo.
186. Sulzer Reisen nach Schweitz, und Hieris, und Nice. 1775. 8vo. - This
author is well known for his "Universal Theory of the Fine Arts;" and these
travels, as well as those in the middle states of Europe, and among the
Alps, which he also published, are worthy of him.
187. Bauman, Reise durch Deutschland und Walschland. Augsb. 1782.
8vo. - These travels in Germany and Italy contain observations on a
subject little attended to by travellers; but one which they might much
benefit: we mean domestic economy, or the different modes, plans, &c.
pursued by different nations in domestic life, as regards food, houses,
clothing, &c.
188. Fred. Nicholai, Beschriebung einer Reise durch Deutschland und de
Schweitz, 1781.