114. Les Voyages et Observations du Sieur Laboulaye-le-Goux, ou sont
decrits les Religion, Gouvernment, et Situation, des Etats et Royaumes
d'Italie, Grece, Natolie, Syrie, Perse, Palestine, &c; Grand Mogul, Indes
Orientales des Portugais, Arabie, Afrique, Hollande, Grande Bretagne, &c.
Paris, 1657. 4to. - This work bears a high character for veracity and
exactness; and is very minute in its account of the casts and religions of
India. Prefixed to it is a short critical notice of travellers who preceded
him, written with great judgment and candour.
115. Voyage de Paul Lucas au Levant. Paris, 1704. 2 vols. 12mo.
116. Voyage de Paul Lucas, dans la Grece, l'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine, et
l' Afrique. Paris, 1712. 2 vols. 12mo. - The credit and veracity of this
author, which was long suspected, has, in many of his most suspicious
parts, been confirmed by modern travellers.
117. Memoire du Chevalier D'Arvieux: contenant ses Voyages a
Constantinople, dans l'Asie, la Palestine, l'Egypte, la Barbarie, &c.
Paris, 1735. 6 vols. 12mo. - This author was well qualified from his
knowledge of the oriental languages, and from the official situations he
filled, to gain an accurate and minute knowledge of the people among whom
he resided. His account of his sojourn among the Bedouin Arabs is
particularly curious.
118. Viaggi di P. della Valle dall Anno 1614, fin al' 1626.