Poland, &c. by Dr.
Richard Pococke. 3 vols. fol. 1743-8. The merits of this work in pointing
out and describing the antiquities of Egypt and the East are well known.
105. Travels through Europe, Asia, and Africa. By Lithgow. Edinburgh, 1770.
8vo. - This is one of the best editions of a book, the chief interest of
which consists in the personal narrative of the author.
106. Travels in the Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and Persia. By Olivier.
Translated from the French, 1802. 4to.
107. Dr. Ed. Dan. Clarke's Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia,
and Africa. 6 vols. 4to. Vol. 1. Russia, Turkey, Tartary. Vol. 2. & 3.
Greece, Egypt, and the Holy Land. Vol. 4. The same Countries, and a Journey
from Constantinople to Vienna, and an Account of the Gold Mines of
Transylvania and Hungary. Vols. 5. & 6. Scandinavia. - There is no
department of enquiry or observation to which Dr. C. did not direct his
attention during his travels: in all he gives much information in a
pleasant style; and to all he evidently brought much judgment, talent, and
preparatory knowledge.
108. Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary,
1806-7. 2 vols. 8vo. - Those who admire this author's manner and style
will be gratified with these travels: and those who dislike them, may still
glean much information on antiquities, manners, customs, religion, &c.
109. Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan in Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Translated by Charles Stewart.