90. Les Voyages de Jean Struys en Moscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux
Indes. Traduits du Hollandais. Amsterdam. 4to. 1681. Rouen, 3 vols. 12mo.
1730. - The Travels of Struys, who was actuated from his earliest youth with
an insatiable desire to visit foreign countries, are especially interesting
from the account he gives of Muscovy and Tartary at this period.
91. Voyages tres Curieux et tres Renommes, faits en Moscovie, Tartarie et
Perse. Par Adam Olearius. Traduits d'Allemagne. Amsterdam, fol.
92. Voyages en different Endroits d'Europe et d'Asie. Par le P. Avril.
Paris, 1692. 4to. - The object of this voyage, which was commenced in 1635,
principally consisted in the discovery of a new route to China. Turkey,
Armenia, European and Asiatic Russia. Tartary, &c. are comprised in these
93. Voyage en Turquie et en Perse. Par M. Otter. Paris, 1748. 2 vols.
12mo. - The chief merit of this work consists in the exactitude of its
descriptions of places, and in the determination of their distances and
true positions, which are further illustrated by maps.
94. Beschreibung der Reise eines Polnishchen Herrn Bothschafters gen
Constantinople und in die Tartary. Nuremberg, 1574. 4to.
95. Sal. Schweiger Reise-beschriebung aus Deutschland nach Constantinopel
und Jerusalem. Nuremberg, 1608. 4to.
96. Reise van Erfurt nach dem gelobten land, auch Spanien, Franckreich,
Holland und England. Erfurt, 1605. 4to.
97. Muntzer von Babenbergh, Reise von Venedig nach Jerusalem, Damascus und
Constantinopel, 1556.