Necessary and useful; for the Index to the Catalogue being drawn up with
reference to the numbers, not only those travels which are confined to one
country, - France, for instance, - may easily be found, but also all those
travels which comprehend France along with other countries.
The same arrangement is pursued in the other parts of the world, - Asia,
Africa, America, Australasia, and Polynesia. The articles are arranged as
nearly as possible in the chronological order in which the voyages and
travels were performed in each particular country, and the countries are
placed according to their geographical relation to one another.
1. L'Utilite des Voyages qui concernent la Connoissance des Inscriptions,
Sentences, Dieux, Lares, Peintures anciennes, Bas Reliefs, &c. Langues,
&c.; avec un Memoire de quelques Observations generales qu'on peut faire
pour ne pas voyager inutilement. Par Ch. C. Baudelot Dairval. 2 vol. 12mo.
Paris 1656. - The Rouen edition is much inferior. This is an excellent
2. C. Linnaeus on the Benefit of Travelling in one's own Country. (In
Stillingfleet's Tracts.) This was published in Latin, separately, and in
the Amoenitates Academicae, in the Select, ex Amoenit.; and in the
Fundamenta Botanices of Gilibert.