658. Voyage de M. Levaillant, dans l'Interieur de l'Afrique, 1780-85.
Paris, 2 vols. 8vo.
659. Second Voyage, 1783-1785. Paris, 3 vols. 8vo. - These Travels, which
have been translated into English, possess a wonderful charm in the
narrative, attained, however, too often by the sacrifice of plain and
unadorned truth, to the love of romance and effect. Notwithstanding this
drawback, Levaillant's Travels are valuable for the light they throw on the
natural history of the South of Africa.
660. Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, 1772-1776. By Sparman, 1785. 2 vols.
4to. - This work was originally published in Swedish; it is interesting, not
only on account of the valuable information it conveys on natural history,
especially botany, and on the manners, &c. of the people, but likewise for
the perseverance and zeal with which Sparman, without friends, assistance,
and almost without pecuniary assistance, forced his way into remote and
barbarous districts.
661. Barrows Travels into the interior of Southern Africa, 1797-1798. 4to.
2 vols. Very few writers of travels have possessed such a variety and
extent of information, both political and scientific, as Mr. Barrow; hence
these volumes are acceptable and instructive to all classes of readers, and
have attained a celebrity not greater than they deserve. In Mr. Barrow's
voyage to Cochin China, there is some information respecting the Cape,
especially an account of a journey to the Booshuana nation. In Thunberg's
voyage to Japan, there is also much information on the geography, natural
history, manners, &c. of the South of Africa.
662. La Trobe's Journal of a Visit to South Africa, in 1815. 4to.
663. Lichtenstein's Travels in Southern Africa, 1803-06. 2 vols. 4to.
664. Campbell's Travels in Africa, by order of the Missionary Society. 2
vols. 8vo.
Additional information may be gleaned from these travels, respecting
South Africa; Campbell penetrated farthest, and discovered some populous
tribes and large towns. La Trobe's is the most interesting narrative.
665. Histoire de la Grande Isle de Madagascar. Par du Flacourt. Paris,
1661. 4to.
666. Relation des Premiers Voyages de la Compagnee des Indes, faits en
l'Isle de Madagascar. Par de Rennefort. Paris, 1668. 16mo.
667. Voyage a l'Isle de France, a l'Isle de Bourbon, &c. Par Bernardin de
St. Pierre. Paris, 1773. 8vo. - This work is full. of accurate and detailed
information on the soil, climate, productions, &c. of the Isle of France,
and on the manners and morals of its inhabitants: on the other Island it is
less instructive.
668. Voyage a l'Isle de Madagascar, et aux Indes Orientates. Par Rochon.
Paris, 1791. 8vo. - This work enters into every subject relating to this
isle and its inhabitants, which can be interesting and instructive to the
naturalist, the political economist, and the moralist; and the information
bears all the marks of accuracy and completeness.
669. Voyages dans les quatre principales Isles des Mers d'A Afrique,