8vo. - Much curious information
on the domestic life and manners of the inhabitants, and more insight into
female manners and character, than is generally gained respecting the
females of this part of Africa.
602. Captain Lyons' Travels in Northern Africa, from Tripoly to Mouzzook.
1821. 4to. - Though the object of these travels was not accomplished, they
contain much information on the geography of central Africa collected
during them. On this important point, the Quarterly Review should be
603. Schousboe Betrachtungen uber das Gewaesrich, en Marokko. Copenhag.
1802. 8vo. - This work, translated from the Danish, relates chiefly to the
botany, metereology, soil and productions of Morocco; and on other topics
it gives accurate and valuable information.
604. Viaggio da Tripoli alto Frontiere dell' Egitto. 1817. P. Della
Cella. - The scene of these travels must give them an interest and value,
since they embrace "one of the oldest and most celebrated of the Greek
colonies," and a country "untrodden by Christian feet since the expulsion
of the Romans, the Huns, and the Vandals, by the enterprising disciples of
Mahomet," The work, however, proves that its author was not qualified to
avail himself of such a new and interesting field of enquiry, remark, and
research, to the extent which might have been expected.
Whoever wishes to be informed respecting the state of Egypt and its
inhabitants during the remotest ages to which they can be traced, must
have recourse to the accounts given of them in the Scriptures, and by
Herodotus and other ancient writers. During the dark and middle ages, as
they are called, information may be drawn from the following sources.
605. Abdollatiphi Historiae Egypti Compendium, Arabice et Latine. Oxford,
1800. 4to. - There are several editions of this work: the one, the title of
which we have just given, was edited by Professor White. He also published
a preceding one without the Latin version; which was republished at
Tubingen, with a preface by Paulus. An interesting and instructive "Notice
de cet ouvrage," was published by Sacy, the celebrated orientalist, at
Paris, in 1803. The Arabian author relates what he himself saw and learnt
in Egypt, and is particularly full on the plants of the country; the
historical part occupies only the two last chapters; he lived towards the
end of the twelfth century.
606. Abulfedae Descriptio Egypti, Arabice et Latine, notas adjecit J.
Michaelis. Gottingen, 1776. 4to. - This author lived in the fourteenth
century, and was celebrated for his geographical knowledge, of which this
work is a valuable proof.
607. L'Egypti de Murtadi. Paris, 1666. 12mo. - This work of the middle ages,
translated from an Arabic manuscript belonging to Cardinal Mazarin, is
curious, but extremely rare.
608. Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage en Egypte. Par Wansleb. 1672-73. Paris,
1678. 12mo. - Wansleb was a German, sent into Egypt and Ethiopia by the Duke
of Saxe Gotha, to examine the religious rites and ceremonies of the
Christians there. He was afterwards sent again into Egypt by Colbert; the
fruit of this journey was a great number of curious and valuable
manuscripts, which were deposited in the Royal Library at Paris.
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