Folio, and was published at Lyons in 1566,
there are appended several accounts of Voyages and Travels in Africa. Leo
was a Spanish Moor, who left Spain at the reduction of Grenada, and
travelled a long time in Europe, Asia, and Africa: his description of the
northern parts of Africa is the most full and accurate.
584. L'Afrique de Marmol. Paris, 1669. 3 vols. 4to. - This translation, by
D'Ablancourt, of a very scarce Portuguese writer, is not made with
fidelity. The subsequent discoveries in Africa have detailed several
inaccuracies in Marmol; but it is nevertheless a valuable work: the
original was published in the middle of the sixteenth century.
585. Geschichte der neuestin Portugeiesischen Entdeckungen en Africa, von
1410, bis 1460. Von M.C. Sprengel. Halle, 1783. 8vo. - This account of the
discoveries of Prince Henry is drawn up with much judgment and learning.
586. Neue Beitrage zur Keuntniss von Africa. Von J.R. Forster. Berlin,
1794. 2 vols. 8vo.
587. Neue Systematescke Erd-beschriebung von Africa. Von Bruns. Nurem.
1793-99. 6 vols. 8vo. - A most valuable work on Africa in general.
Those portions of Africa which are washed by the Mediterranean sea,
possess strong and peculiar attractions for the traveller. It is only
necessary to name Egypt, to call up associations with the most remote
antiquity, - knowledge, civilization, and arts, at a period when the rest
of the world had scarcely, as it were, burst into existence. From the
earliest records to the present day, Egypt has never ceased to be an
interesting country, and to afford rich materials for the labours,
learning, and researches of travellers. The rest of the Mediterranean
coast of Africa, where Carthage first exhibited to the world the
wonderful resources of Commerce, and Rome established some of her most
valuable and rich possessions, are clothed with an interest and
importance scarcely inferior to that which Egypt claims and enjoys.
While the countries on the north-east, washed by the Red Sea, in
addition to sources of interest and importance common to them, and to
Egypt and Barbary, are celebrated on account of their having witnessed
and assisted the first maritime commercial intercourse between Asia, and
Africa, and Europe.
588. Relation d'un Voyage de Barbarie, fait a Alger, pour la Redemption des
Captifs. Paris, 1616. 8vo.
589. Relation de la Captivite a Alger d'Emmanuel d'Arande. Paris, 1665.
16mo. - This work, originally published in Spanish, contains, as well as the
preceding one, some curious particulars regarding the manners of Algiers,
especially the court, in the middle of the seventeenth century.
590. Voyage en Barbarie, 1785-88, par Poiret. Paris, 1789. 2 vols.
8vo. - This work, which was translated into English in 1791, is chiefly
confined to that part of Barbary which constituted the ancient Numidia, and
is interesting from the picture it exhibits of the Bedouin Arabs, and from
the details into which it enters regarding the natural history of the
country, especially the botany.