Spencer's View of the State of Ireland, 1633. folio. - Also in his
works, and in a collection of old tracts lately published on this kingdom.
542. A Natural History of Ireland, in Three Parts. By several hands. Boate
and Molyneaux. Dublin, 1726. - This work contains much curious information,
sound and accurate, considering when it was written.
543. Tour in Ireland, in 1715. London, 1716. 8vo.
544. Bush's Hiberna Curiosa. Dublin. 4to. - The materials of this work,
which chiefly is occupied with a view of manners, agriculture, trade,
natural curiosities, &c. were collected during a tour in 1764-69.
545. Hamilton's Letters on the Northern Coast of Ireland, 1764. 8vo. - This
is a valuable work respecting the mineralogy and geology, and especially
the Giant's Causeway.
546. Campbell's Philosophical Survey of the South of Ireland, 1777. 8vo.
547. Arthur Young's Tour in Ireland, 1776-79. 2 vols. 8vo. - An admirable
picture of the agriculture and general state of Ireland at this period.
548. Cooper's Letters on the Irish Nation, 1800. 8vo. - Manners, national
character, government, religion principally; with notices on agriculture,
commerce, &c.
549. Account of Ireland, Statistical and Political. By Edward Wakefield,
1812. 4to. - An immense mass of information, chiefly relating to the
agriculture, statistics, political and religious state of Ireland, not well
arranged; and the bulk much increased by irrelevant matter.
550. Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man, 1794. 8vo.
551. Wood's Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man, 1811.
552. Falle's Account of Jersey, 1734, 8vo.
553. Berry's History of Guernsey, with particulars of Alderney, Sark, and
Jersey, 1815. 4to.
554. Dicey's Account of Guernsey, 1751. 12mo.
555. Neueste reisen durch Schottland and Ireland. Von Volkman. Leip. 1784.
8vo. - Economy, manufactures, and natural history.
556. Briefe uber Ireland. Von Kuttner, Leip. 1785, 8vo. - This author
published Travels in Holland and England, which, as well as the present,
indicate an attentive, careful, and well-informed observer of manners,
national character, and statistics.
Good travels in the Peninsula, especially in the English language, are
by no means numerous, yet there are portions of it highly interesting in
a physical point of view; and the Spanish national character, and
manners, as well as the Roman and Arabian antiquities in Spain and
Portugal, furnish ample and rich materials to the traveller.
557. Memoirs of Lord Carrington, containing a Description of the Government
and Manners of the present Portuguese, 1782. 8vo.
558. Murphy's Travels in Portugal, 1789-90. 4to. - Monuments, public
edifices, antiquities principally; the physical state of the country, its
agriculture, commerce, arts, literature, &c. sensibly but not extensively.
559. Link's Travels in Portugal, 1797-99. 8vo. - This work, originally
published in German, consists in that language of 2 vols. 8vo. There was
likewise published in French, Paris, 1805. 1 vol. 8vo., Voyage en Portugal,
par M. le Comte de Hoffmansegg, - as a continuation of Link's Travels, the
Count having travelled in this country with Mr. Link, and continued in it
after the latter left it.