Reise Durch Ober Saxen Und Hessen, Von J. Apelbad.
Berlin, 1785.
- Apelbad, a learned Swede, published a Collection of Voyages in
different Parts of Europe, in Swedish, Stockholm, 1762, 8vo; and Travels in
Saxony, in the same language, Stockholm, 1757, 8vo. There seems to have
been another of the same surname, Jonas Apelbad, who published in Swedish,
Travels in Pomerania and Brandenberg, Stockholm, 1757, 8vo. The work, of
which we have given the title in German, was translated by Bernouilli, who
has greatly enhanced the merits and utility of the original by his remarks.
Bernoulli's Collection of Travels, - Samlung kleiner reise beschriebungen,
Leips. 1781-7, 18 vols. 8vo., contains many interesting short narratives
and descriptions, particularly relating to Germany.
342. Reise durch die Norischen Alpen. Von Hacquet. Leips. 8vo. 1791. - These
travels, like the former by the same author, which we have mentioned, are
chiefly botanical and mineralogical.
343. Ausfluge nach dern Schnee-Berg in Unter-OEsterreich. Vienna, 1800.
8vo. - Botany, mineralogy, and what the Germans call economy, and
technology, are principally attended to in this work.
344. Wanderrungen und Spazierfahrten in die gegenden um Wien. Vienna,
1802-4. 5 vols. 8vo. - The title of this work would not lead the reader to
expect what he will find; valuable notices on mineralogy, agriculture,
arts, and manufactures, in the midst of light and lively sketches of
manners, places of amusement, &c.
345. Reise durch Sacksen. Von N.G. Leske. Leips. 1785. 4to. - Natural
history and economy.
346. Beobachtungen uber Natur und Menschen. Von F.E. Lieberoth. Frankfort,
1791. 8vo.
347. Economische und Statische reisen durch Chur-Sacksen, &c. Von H. Engel.
Leips. 1803. 8vo.
348. Bemerkungen einer Reisenden durch die Prussischen Staaten. Von J.H.
Ulrich. Altenb. 1781. 8vo.
349. Briefe uber Schlesien Krakau, und die Glatz. 1791. Von J.L. Zoellner.
Berlin, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo.
350. Reise durch einer Theil Preussen, Hambro, 1801. 2 vols. 8vo. - This
work was drawn up by two travellers: one of whom supplied the statistical
remarks, and the other, who traversed Prussia on foot, the remarks on
entomology, amber, the sturgeon fishery, and other branches of natural
history and economics.
351. Wanderrungen durch Rugen. Von Carl. Nernst. Dusseld. 1801. 8vo. - This
island affords interesting notices on manners, ancient superstitions,
particularly the worship of Ertha, besides statistical and geographical
352. Rhein-Reise. Von A.J. Von Wakerbert. Halberstadt, 1794. 8vo.
353. Ansichten des Rheins. Von Jno. Vogt. Bremen, 1805. 8vo. - This is a
strange mixture of the picturesque, the romantic, and the instructive: the
instructive parts contain historical and topographical notices of the
cities on the Rhine, and curious details on its most famous wines.
354. Historische Jaarbocken, von oud nieven Friesland door Foeke Siverd.
Leowarden, 1769. 8vo. - We insert the title of this work, though not
strictly within our plan, because it gives an accurate account of a part of
Germany, the dialect of which more resembles old English than any other
German dialect; and in which there still lurk many very curious traditions,
customs, and superstitions, which throw much light on our Saxon ancestors.
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