317. Adams's Letters on Silesia, during a Tour in 1800-2. Philadelphia, 3
vols. 8vo. - Mr. Adams was ambassador from the United States to Berlin: his
work contains some interesting information, especially on the manufactures
of Silesia.
318. Cogan's Journey up the Rhine, from Utrecht to Frankfort. 2 vols. 8vo.
1794. - The style of this work is lively and interesting: its pictures of
manners and scenery good; and it contains a learned disquisition on the
origin of printing. Dr. Cogan resided the greater part of his life in
319. Travels in the North of Germany. By Thomas Hodgskin, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo.
1820. - That part, of Germany between the Elbe and the frontiers of Holland
is here described: the topic is rather new; and Mr. H. has given us much
information on the agriculture, state of society, political institutions,
manners, &c.; interspersed with remarks, not in the best taste, or
indicating the soundest judgment or principles.
320. Letters from Mecklenberg and Holstein, 1820. By G. Downes. 8vo. - This
being a part of Germany seldom visited, every thing relating to it is
acceptable. Mr. Downes's work is, however, not so full and various as might
have been expected: on manners and German literature it is most
321. An Autumn near the Rhine, or Sketches of Courts, Scenery, and Society,
in Germany, near the Rhine, 1821. 8vo. - The title indicates the objects of
this volume, which bespeaks an observant and intelligent mind.
322. Travels from Vienna, through Lower Hungary. By Dr. Bright. 1817.
4to. - Agriculture and statistics form the principal topics of this volume,
which would have been equally valuable and much more interesting if the
matter had been more compressed.
323. Historical and Statistical Account of Wallachia and Moldavia. By W.
Wilkinson. 1820. 8vo. - Mr. Wilkinson, from his situation as British Consul,
has been enabled to collect much information on these portions of Europe,
chiefly such as the title indicates, and also of a political nature.
324. Voyages de Reisbeck en Allemagne. Paris, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo. - This work
was originally published in German, under the title of Briefe eines
reisenden Franzosen durch Deutschland: there is also an English
translation. The travels took place in 1782: and the character of a French
traveller, in the German original, was assumed, to secure the author from
the probable effects of his severe remarks on the government, manners, and
customs of Germany. To these subjects, and others connected with man, his
agriculture, commerce, and other pursuits, Baron Reisbeck has chiefly
confined his attention: perhaps the truth and impartiality of his
strictures would be more readily acknowledged, if they were not so strongly
impregnated with a satirical feeling.
325. Journal d'un Voyage en Allemagne, 1773. Par M. Guibert. Paris, 1802.
2 vols.