253. Reisen durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs, 1768. 1773.
Peters. 3 vols. 4to.
254. Bemerkungen auf einer Reise in die Sudlichen Statthalterschaften des
Russischen Reichs, 1793, 1794. - Of these travels by Pallas, the last is
more particularly devoted to science, and therefore is interesting to
general readers. Both have been translated into French, and the travels in
1793-4, into English.
255. Georgi Bemerkungen auf einer Reise im Russischen Reichs, 1772 - 1774.
Peters. 1755. 2 vols. 4to.
256. Georgi Beschriebung alter Nation des Russischen Reichs. Leipsic. 2
vols. 4to.
257. Georgi Geographische, Physicalische und Naturhistorische, Beschriebung
des Russischen Reichs. Koning. 3 vols. 4to. - This work of uncommon labour
and research, treats of the geography, physical, and natural history of
Russia, divided into zones, each of which will be separately described,
when the work is completed.
258. Gmelin, Reisen durch Russland. Peters. 1770-4. 3 vols. 4to. - Of the
Travels of Lepechin, the other associate of Pallas, which were performed
1768-1771, and published in Russian, there is a German translation.
Altenburgh, 1774. 3 vols. 4to., of which we have not been able to procure
the exact title.
259. Reise von Volhynien nach Cherson en Russland, 1787. Von J.C. Maeller.
Hamb. 8vo.
260. Bemerkungen uber Russland en rucksicht auf wissen-schaften Kunst,
Religion. Von J.J. Bollerman. Erfurt. 1788. 8vo.
261. Mineralogische, Geographische, und andere vermischte, Nachrechten von
der Altaischen Gebirgen. Von H.M. Renovanz. Freyberg. 1789. 4to.
262. Tableau Historique et Statistique de l'Empire Russie a la fin du 18me
siecle. Par H. Storch. Paris, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. - This work, by the author
of the Picture of Petersburgh, well known to the English reader, is
admitted here for the same reason which gave insertion to Tooke's Russia.
It is, however, we believe, not yet complete according to the original plan
of the author; and the French translation only comprises what relates to
the physical and civil state of the inhabitants. Storch's Work, in
conjunction with that of Georgi, on the geography and natural history of
Russia, will comprise all that is interesting respecting this vast country.
263. Polonia, sive de Situ, Populis Moribus, &c. Poloniae a Mart. Cromero.
Cologne. 1578. 4to.
264. Sarmatiae Europeae Descriptio. ab Alex. Gaguin. Spire, 1581. fol.
265. Reise durch Pohlnische Provinzen. Von J.H. Carosi. Leip. 8vo. - These
travels are chiefly mineralogical.
266. Nachrichten uber Pohlen. Von J.J. Kausch. Saltz. 1793. 8vo.
267 Letters, Literary and Political, on Poland. 1823. 8vo. - Rather feebly
written, and too minute on uninteresting points; in other respects
valuable, as relating to a country of which we know comparatively little.
The countries of Europe, the travels into which we have hitherto
enumerated, do not present very various and numerous objects of
research. In Scandinavia the natural historian, especially the
mineralogist, will be chiefly interested.