238. Lachesis Lapponica, or a Tour in Lapland. By Linnaeus, 1811. 2 vols.
8vo. - These travels were performed in 1732, when Linnaeus was very young.
Botany of course forms the principal subject; but the work is also
instructive and interesting from the picture it exhibits of the character
of the author, and of the manners of the Laplanders.
239. Travels through Norway and Lapland. By Baron Von Buch; with Notes by
Professor Jameson, 1818. 4to. - This work, translated from the German,
contains much new and valuable information, chiefly on mineralogy and
240. Thomson's Travels in Sweden, during the Autumn of 1812.
4to. - Mineralogy, geology, satistics, and politics form the chief topics:
the work is carelessly written.
241. Travels through Sweden, Norway, and Finmark, to the North Cape, 1820.
By A. de Capell Brocke. 4to. 1823. Picturesque.
242. Nouveau Voyage vers le Septentrion. Amsterdam, 1708. 12mo. - The
customs, religion, character, domestic life, &c. of the Norwegians and
Laplanders are here sketched in an interesting and pleasant manner.
243. Lettres sur le Danemark. Par Mallet. Geneve, 1767. 2 vols.
8vo. - This work is worthy of the author, whose introduction to the History
of Denmark is so advantageously known to English readers, by Bishop Percy's
excellent translation of it. It gives an excellent and faithful picture of
this country in the middle of the eighteenth century, and comprises also
the southern provinces of Norway.
244. Voyage en Allemagne et en Suede. Par J.P. Catteau. Paris, 1810. 3
vols. 8vo. - Sensible and judicious on arts, manners, literature, literary
men, statistics and economics; but more full and valuable on Sweden than on
Germany. Indeed few authors have collected more information on the North of
Europe than M. Catteau; his Tableau des Etats Danois, and his Tableau
General de la Suede, are excellent works, drawn up with great accuracy and
judgment. The same may be said of his Tableau de la Mer Baltique; in which
every kind of information relative to the Baltic, its shores, islands,
rivers, ports, produce, ancient and modern commerce, is given.
245. Voyage en Norwege, traduit de l'Allemand de J. Fabricius. Paris, 1803.
8vo. - This too is an excellent work, especially in what regards the natural
history and economics of the country.
246. Reise en die Marschlander au der Nordsee. Von J.N. Tetens. Leip. 1788.
8vo. - Holstein, Jutland, and Sleswick, countries in which we possess few
travels, are accurately described in this work.
247. Reise durch einige Schwedische Provinzen. Von J.W. Schmidt. Hamburgh,
1801. - These travels contain curious particulars respecting the Nomadic
248. Arndt, Reise durch Schweden, 1804. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1806.
There are several travels by Linnaeus (besides the one published by Sir
J. Smith, already noticed) and his pupils into different provinces of
Sweden, relating to their natural history, which botanists will value
highly; but we omit them, as interesting only to them.