547. Arthur Young's Tour in Ireland, 1776-79. 2 vols. 8vo. - An admirable
picture of the agriculture and general state of Ireland at this period.
548. Cooper's Letters on the Irish Nation, 1800. 8vo. - Manners, national
character, government, religion principally; with notices on agriculture,
commerce, &c.
549. Account of Ireland, Statistical and Political. By Edward Wakefield,
1812. 4to. - An immense mass of information, chiefly relating to the
agriculture, statistics, political and religious state of Ireland, not well
arranged; and the bulk much increased by irrelevant matter.
550. Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man, 1794. 8vo.
551. Wood's Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man, 1811.
552. Falle's Account of Jersey, 1734, 8vo.
553. Berry's History of Guernsey, with particulars of Alderney, Sark, and
Jersey, 1815. 4to.
554. Dicey's Account of Guernsey, 1751. 12mo.
555. Neueste reisen durch Schottland and Ireland. Von Volkman. Leip. 1784.
8vo. - Economy, manufactures, and natural history.
556. Briefe uber Ireland. Von Kuttner, Leip. 1785, 8vo. - This author
published Travels in Holland and England, which, as well as the present,
indicate an attentive, careful, and well-informed observer of manners,
national character, and statistics.
Good travels in the Peninsula, especially in the English language, are
by no means numerous, yet there are portions of it highly interesting in
a physical point of view; and the Spanish national character, and
manners, as well as the Roman and Arabian antiquities in Spain and
Portugal, furnish ample and rich materials to the traveller.
557. Memoirs of Lord Carrington, containing a Description of the Government
and Manners of the present Portuguese, 1782. 8vo.
558. Murphy's Travels in Portugal, 1789-90. 4to. - Monuments, public
edifices, antiquities principally; the physical state of the country, its
agriculture, commerce, arts, literature, &c. sensibly but not extensively.
559. Link's Travels in Portugal, 1797-99. 8vo. - This work, originally
published in German, consists in that language of 2 vols. 8vo. There was
likewise published in French, Paris, 1805. 1 vol. 8vo., Voyage en Portugal,
par M. le Comte de Hoffmansegg, - as a continuation of Link's Travels, the
Count having travelled in this country with Mr. Link, and continued in it
after the latter left it. Mr. Link being a distinguished natural historian,
directed his attention chiefly to geology, mineralogy and botany; but he
does not neglect other topics, and he has added a dissertation on the
literature of Portugal, and on the Spanish and Portuguese languages. The
supplemental volume is also rich in natural history, and extends to an
account of the manufactures, political institutions, &c. of Portugal.
560. Twiss's Travels through Portugal and Spain, 1772-73. 4to. - Literary,
antiquarian, and descriptive of manners, customs, and national characters.
561. Dalrymple's Travels through Spain and Portugal, 1774. Dublin, 1777.
562. Southey's Letters on Spain and Portugal, 1797. 8vo. - Literature and
manners; but in a manner not worthy of the author's talents and reputation.
563. Ed. Clarke's Letters on the Spanish Nation, 1765. 4to. - The author was
chaplain to Lord Bristol, in his Spanish Embassy. Antiquities and Spanish
literature; in the Appendix there is a catalogue of MSS. in the library of
the Escurial.
564. Swinburne's Travels through Spain, 1775-76. 2 vols. 8vo. Roman and
Moorish architecture are particularly attended to; this work is also
valuable and instructive for its full details in every thing relating to
Catalonia and Grenada, two of the most interesting provinces in Spain.
565. Dillon's Travels through Spain, 1782. 4to. - Natural history and
physical geography.
566. Bourgoing's Travels in Spain, with Extracts from the Essays on Spain.
By M. Peyren, 1789. 3 vols. 8vo. - This is an excellent work, translated
from the French. The author, however, did not visit Catalonia or Grenada.
Natural history is not attended to; but all that relates to manufactures,
the civil, political, and religious state of Spain, manners, literature and
similar topics, is treated of fully and well. The work of M. Peyren, from
which extracts are given, is entitled Nouveau Voyage en Espagne, Paris,
1782. 2 vols. 8vo. and treats of antiquities, manners, commerce, public
tribunals, &c.; it notices some cities and parts of Spain omitted, or but
partially noticed by Swinburne and Bourgoing. The work of the latter has
also been added to by the following work, Voyage en Espagne, 1797-8. Par C.
A. Fischer. Paris, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. Fischer also published in 1804. 8vo.,
Description de Valence, to complete his Travels in Spain. Both these were
originally published in German, and translated into French, by Cramer; and
they both are most valuable additions to Bourgoing's works.
567. Townshend's Journey through Spain, in 1786. 3 vols. 8vo. - An excellent
work, particularly on the economy, agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and
general statistics of Spain.
568. Voyage du ci-devant duc du Chatelet en Portugal, 1777. Paris, 1798. 2
vols. 8vo. - This work, which has been translated into English, was in
reality written by M. Cormartin, one of the Vendean chiefs; it is very full
and various, as well as excellent in its contents, embracing physical
geography, agriculture, arts, sciences and manufactures, government,
manners, religion, literature, &c., in short, every thing but antiquities
and public buildings.
569. Observations du Physique et de Medecine, faites en differens lieux de
l'Espagne. Par M. Thiery. Paris, 1791. 2 vols. 8vo. - This medical Tour
contains much information on the climate, soils, geology of Spain; and on
the food, domestic life of its inhabitants, particularly relating to
Castile, Arragon, Navarre, Biscay, Gallicia and Asturia. There is also a
particular description of the quicksilver mine at Almaden, in La Mancha.
570. Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de l'Espagne. Par La Borde. Paris, 4
vols. fol.
571. Itineraire Descriptif de l'Espagne. Par La Borde. Paris, 1809. 5 vols.
572. Lettres sur l'Espagne, ou Essais sur les Moeurs, les Usages, et la
Literature de ce Royaume. Par Beauharnois. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo.
573. A Visit to Spain in the latter part of 1822, and the first four Months
of 1823.