- That part, of Germany between the Elbe and the frontiers of Holland
is here described: the topic is rather new; and Mr. H. has given us much
information on the agriculture, state of society, political institutions,
manners, &c.; interspersed with remarks, not in the best taste, or
indicating the soundest judgment or principles.
320. Letters from Mecklenberg and Holstein, 1820. By G. Downes. 8vo. - This
being a part of Germany seldom visited, every thing relating to it is
acceptable. Mr. Downes's work is, however, not so full and various as might
have been expected: on manners and German literature it is most
321. An Autumn near the Rhine, or Sketches of Courts, Scenery, and Society,
in Germany, near the Rhine, 1821. 8vo. - The title indicates the objects of
this volume, which bespeaks an observant and intelligent mind.
322. Travels from Vienna, through Lower Hungary. By Dr. Bright. 1817.
4to. - Agriculture and statistics form the principal topics of this volume,
which would have been equally valuable and much more interesting if the
matter had been more compressed.
323. Historical and Statistical Account of Wallachia and Moldavia. By W.
Wilkinson. 1820. 8vo. - Mr. Wilkinson, from his situation as British Consul,
has been enabled to collect much information on these portions of Europe,
chiefly such as the title indicates, and also of a political nature.
324. Voyages de Reisbeck en Allemagne. Paris, 1793. 2 vols. 8vo. - This work
was originally published in German, under the title of Briefe eines
reisenden Franzosen durch Deutschland: there is also an English
translation. The travels took place in 1782: and the character of a French
traveller, in the German original, was assumed, to secure the author from
the probable effects of his severe remarks on the government, manners, and
customs of Germany. To these subjects, and others connected with man, his
agriculture, commerce, and other pursuits, Baron Reisbeck has chiefly
confined his attention: perhaps the truth and impartiality of his
strictures would be more readily acknowledged, if they were not so strongly
impregnated with a satirical feeling.
325. Journal d'un Voyage en Allemagne, 1773. Par M. Guibert. Paris, 1802.
2 vols. 8vo. - The celebrated author of the "Essai General sur la Tactique,"
naturally directed his attention during his travels to military affairs,
and to an examination and description of the sites of famous battles. But
this work by no means is confined to such topics; and the remarks with
which it abounds on more interesting subjects, are so evidently the fruit
of an acute and original mind, that they equally command our attention, and
instruct us.
326. Voyage en Hanovre, 1803-4. Par M.A.B. Mangourit. Paris, 1805.
8vo. - Politics, religion, agriculture, commerce, mineralogy, manners, and
customs, are discussed in this volume; and in general with good sense and
information. Hamburgh, Hanover, its government, universities, and
especially its mines, are particularly described.
327. Voyage dans quelques Parties de la Basse-Saxe, pour la Recherche des
Antiquites Slaves ou Wendes, 1794. Par J. Potocky. Hambro. 1795. 4to.
328. Journal d'un Voyage dans les Cercles du Rhin. Par Collini. Paris,
1777. 8vo. - Chiefly mineralogical.
329. Voyage sur le Rhin, depuis Mayence jusqu'a Dusseldorf. Newied, 1791.
8vo. - This tour contains some curious details on the subject of the wines
of the Rhingau.
330. Voyage en Autriche, &c. Par De Serres. Paris, 1814. 4 vols. 8vo. - An
immense mass of geographical and statistical information, in a great
measure drawn from German authors, on Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia.
331. Viaggio sul Reno e ne suoi contorni di P. Bertolo. 1795. 8vo. - These
travels, performed in the autumn of 1787, are elegantly written, rather
than very instructive. They contain, however, some valuable notices
respecting the volcanic appearances in the district of Andernach.
332. Briefe auf einer reise durch Deutschland, 1791. Leignitz, 1793. 2
vols. 8vo. - Arts, manufactures, and economy, are the principal topics of
these letters.
333. Die Donnau reise. Ratesbonne. 1760. 8vo. - These travels describe the
banks of the Danube, and the streams which flow into it.
334. Donnau Reise von Regensburgh bis Wein. Montag. 1802. 8vo. - The same
remark applies to this work, only, as the title indicates, it is confined
to the river and its streams, from Ratisbon to Vienna.
335. Reise durch Ober-Deutschland, OEsterreich, Nieder Bayern, Ober
Schwaben, Wirtemberg, Baden, &c. Saltz. 1778. 8vo.
336. Litterarische reisen durch einen theil von Bayern, Franken und die
Schweitz, 1780-2.; Von Zapf. Aug. 1782. 8vo. - The same author published
another literary tour among the convents of Swabia, and Switzerland, and
Bavaria; and in other parts of Franconia, Bavaria, and Swabia, in 1782.
These tours are strictly literary; that is, have regard to MSS. and scarce
editions, and are not scientific.
337. Reise durch einige Deutsche Provinzen, von Hollenberg. Stendal, 1782.
8vo. - Architecture and mechanics are the topics of these travels.
The following travels relate to the Hartz:
338. Geographische und Historische, Merkwurdigkeften des Ober Hartz. Leip.
1741. 8vo.
339. Reise nach dem Oberhartz. Von J.C. Sulzer. - Inserted in a collection
of travels published by J. Bernouilli.
340. Reise nach dern Unterhartz. 1783. Von Burgsdorf. - In the natural
history collection of Berlin.
341. Reise durch Ober Saxen und Hessen, von J. Apelbad. Berlin, 1785.
8vo. - Apelbad, a learned Swede, published a Collection of Voyages in
different Parts of Europe, in Swedish, Stockholm, 1762, 8vo; and Travels in
Saxony, in the same language, Stockholm, 1757, 8vo. There seems to have
been another of the same surname, Jonas Apelbad, who published in Swedish,
Travels in Pomerania and Brandenberg, Stockholm, 1757, 8vo. The work, of
which we have given the title in German, was translated by Bernouilli, who
has greatly enhanced the merits and utility of the original by his remarks.
Bernoulli's Collection of Travels, - Samlung kleiner reise beschriebungen,
Leips. 1781-7, 18 vols. 8vo., contains many interesting short narratives
and descriptions, particularly relating to Germany.
342. Reise durch die Norischen Alpen. Von Hacquet. Leips. 8vo. 1791. - These
travels, like the former by the same author, which we have mentioned, are
chiefly botanical and mineralogical.