Letters. Ed. by Peter
Cunningham. 9 vols. London, 1891.
* * * * *
Academies, 121-132;
in France, 121-123;
proposals for academies in England, 123-126;
objections to such academies, 128-132
Acworth, George, 62
Addison, Joseph, 181
Advice to Travellers, 4-5, 205;
Elizabethan, 21;
characteristics of Renaissance books of, 28-32;
admonitory side of, 55, 88-98;
for the country gentleman, 148;
guide-books of the 18th century, 196, 200
Agricola, Rudolf, 7
Alps, the, 192, 200
training for, 12-16, 43-47, 69;
troubles of, 83-85, 133
Amorphus, in Cynthia's Revels, xii
Amsterdam, 137
Art in Spain, 134;
attention to in 17th century, 168-169
Arundel, Earl of, see Howard
Ascham, Roger, 16, 18, 42, 52, 57, 65, 200
Lady Anne, 73-75
Anthony, 73-75
Francis, 36 note, 45:
Of Travel, 146
Sir Nicholas, 123
Barker, William, 62, 63
Bear-Leaders, the, 188
Becket, Thomas a, 7
Bedell, William, 76
Bedford, Earl of, see Russell
Bellay, Joachim Du, 16
Bembo, Pietro, 16
Berchtold, Leopold, Count, Essay to Direct and Extend the Inquiries of
Patriotic Travellers, 195-198
Berneville, Marie Catherine Jumelle de, Comtesse D'Aunoy, 134
Bethune, Maximilien de, Duc de Sully, 115
Blotz, Hugo, 41
Bobadil, Captain, in Every Man in His Humour, 117
Bodley, Sir Thomas, 37
Boleyn, George, Viscount Rochford, 12, 15
Boorde, Andrew, 14
Borssele, Anne, Lady of Veer, 8
Bothwell, Earl of, see Hepburn
Bourdeille, Pierre de, Seigneur de Brantome, 117
Bourne, William, Treasure for Travellers, 35
Bowyer, Sir Henry, 113
Boyle, Richard, First Earl of Cork, and his sons Robert and Francis,
Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, 15
Brantome, see Bourdeille
Bras-de-Fer, see La Noue
Browne, Sir Thomas, 142, 193 note;
his son at Padua, 139
Bryan, Sir Francis, 15
Bucer, Martin, 17, 41
Buckingham, Duke of, see Villiers
Burghley, Lord, see Cecil
Camden, Thomas, History of England, 14
Carew, Sir Nicholas, 15
Carlton, Sir Dudley, 45
Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, 144
William, Duke of Newcastle, 104
Anne, Countess of Oxford, 64, 66
Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 39, 76, 78, 150
Thomas, Earl of Exeter, 40, 57 note, 77, 145, 193 note
William, Baron of Burghley, l8, 37, 39, 40, 64-66, 73
William, Lord Cranbourne, 76, 160
William, Lord Roos, 76-78, 80
Robert, Second Earl of Essex, 35, 36, 42
Robert, Third Earl of Essex, 38
Drake, Sir Francis, 27
Dudley, Sir Robert, 102
Dyer, Sir Edward, 21
Education, 103-108;
see also Academies, Universities, Scholars, Ambassadors, Governors,
Edward VI., 16, 17
Einstein, Lewis, Italian Renaissance in England, 9
Ellis, Sir Henry, 4
their special reason for travelling, 22;
peculiarities, 120;
Italianate, 55;
prejudices against foreigners, 67-69, 178-181
Erasmus, Desiderius, 6, 8, 9
Essex, Earls of, see Devereux
Evelyn, John, 138, 141, 144, 157, 169
Expenses of travel, 66, 154-157
Fairfax, Colonel Thomas, 152
Faubert, Mons., 125
Fencing, 117
Ferrar, Nicholas, 140
Fielding, Henry, 199
Finch, Sir John, 139
Fitzroy, Henry, Duke of Richmond, 15
Fleetwood, William, Recorder of London, 58, 62
Flemming, Robert, 9
Florio, John, Second Frutes, 21
Flutter, Sir Fopling, 179
Food, 48, 110-111
Foote, Samuel, The Englishman in Paris, 180
Forbes, James, 151-152
Foreigners, English prejudice against, 67-71, 178-181
Fox, Richard, Bishop of Winchester, 10
academies in, 101, 121-132;
affectations learned in, 15, 50, 51, 179, 183-186;
arbiter of fashion, 118, 119, 141;
gentlemen of, 105, 107, 118, 119;
attraction for tourists, 102-103;
loses some of its charm, 177