1574. Turlerus, Hieronymus. De Peregrinatione et agro neapolitano,
libri II. scripti ab Hieronymo Turlero. Omnibus peregrinantibus utiles
ac necessarii; ac in corum gratiam nunc primum editi. Argentorati, anno
1575 - - The Traveiler of Jerome Turler, divided into two bookes, the
first conteining a notable discourse of the maner and order of
traveiling oversea, or into strange and foreign countries, the second
comprehending an excellent description of the most delicious realme of
Naples in Italy; a work very pleasant for all persons to reade, and
right profitable and necessarie unto all such as are minded to
traveyll. London, 1575.
1577. Pyrckmair, Hilarius. Commentariolus de arte apodemica seu vera
peregrinandi ratione. Auctore Hilario Pyrckmair Landishutano.
Ingolstadii, 1577.
1577. Zvingerus, Theodor. Methodus apodemica in eorum gratiam qui cum
fructu in quocunq; tandem vitae genere peregrinari cupiunt, a Theod.
Zvingero. Basiliense typis delineata, et cum aliis tum quatuor praesertim
Athenarum vivis exemplis illustrata. Basileae, 1577.
1578. Bourne, William. A booke called the Treasure for traveilers,
devided into five parts, contayning very necessary matters for all
sortes of travailers, eyther by sea or by lande. London, 1578.
1578. - - A Regiment for the Sea, containing verie necessarie matters
for all sortes of men and travailers: netyly corrected and amended by
Thomas Hood. London, 1578.
1578. Lipsius, Justus. De ratione cum fructu peregrinandi, et praesertim
in Italia. (In Epistola ad Ph. Lanoyum.) Justi Lipsii Epistolae
Selectae: fol. 106. Parisiis, 1610.
1580. Sidney. Sir Philip Sidney to his brother Robert Sidney when he was
on his travels; advising him what circuit to take; how to behave, what
authors to read, etc.