Send me also the Schumann Opus (Kreisleriana, etc.) published by
yourself and Mechetti, together with Bach's six Pedal Fugues, in
which I wish to steep myself more fully. If the three Sonnets
(both voice and pianoforte editions) are already re-corrected,
kindly send me also an author's copy.
Adieu, dear Karolus. I commend my box to you, and commend myself
to you also
As your sincere friend,
F. Liszt
I need not say that of course you shall be repaid immediately for
sending the box - only hurry on the sending.
Best regards to your wife.
Lowy will tell you what I wish in regard to the credit for my
uncle Eduard.
53. To The Hochwohlgeboren Herr Baron von Dornis, Jena.
[Autograph in the possession of Herr C. Geibel, bookseller in
Leipzig. - The addressee was a sculptor.]
The confidence which you place in me, most esteemed Herr Baron,
is naturally very flattering; but in order to meet it according
to your wishes, I ought to have quite other means at my disposal
than those I have.
It would of course be very gratifying to me to possess one of
your valued works; yet I cannot help taking this opportunity of
remarking that, in view of the far too many busts, medallions,
statuettes, caricatures, medals, and portraits of all kinds
existing of my humble self, I long ago resolved not to give
occasion to any further multiplication of them.