It was in a burst of enthusiasm caused by
the Prestissimo, that Mr. Luden begged for a few words of
introduction to you; I know your kindness, indeed I could never
forget it. I therefore commend him in all confidence of your
goodness, until the time when I am so happy as to embrace you
myself and to show you (however feebly) all the gratitude and
admiration which fill me.
F. Liszt
Paris, August 26th, 1830
4. To Alphonse Brot in Paris
[Autograph in the possession of M. Etienne Charavay in Paris.]
(Paris, Beginning of the 30th year.)
It would give us great pleasure, my dear M. Brot, if you would
come and dine with us without ceremony tomorrow, Monday, about 6
o'clock; I do not promise you a good dinner, - that is not the
business of us poor artists; but the good company you will meet
will, I trust, make up for that. Monsieur Hugo [the poet] and
Edgard Quinet [French writer and philosopher] have promised to
come. So do try not to disappoint us, for we should miss you
much. My good mother told me to press you to come, for she is
very fond of you. Till tomorrow then! Kind regards and thanks.
F. Liszt
I have been at least six times to you without having the pleasure
of seeing you.