This time and every time that you come to
Weymar, I beg you to stay with me, both for your own convenience
and mine.
Förster's exact address I will send you very soon, although I
conclude that letters addressed Herr Hofrath Ernst Forster would
be safely delivered by the post office. Stahr is the best person
to give you information about Herr von Hauenschild (Max Waldau -
not Count, as far as I know), and Hettner is a Professor in Jena.
Further, it is my opinion that you had better not send your
communications to these gentlemen until we have settled some of
the chief points in this matter.
I shall undertake a security of four hundred thalers on this
proposed agreement between us, in return for a receipt from the
management which you will give me. I cannot at present hold out
the prospect of further support; yet it is possible that I may
succeed in getting three to five hundred thalers annually, under
certain conditions, for which there is no personal ground
whatever (and which I hinted to you in our last conversation in
Leipzig), for the pages of The Present and Future.
Remember me kindly to your wife, and be assured of the entire
willingness of
Yours truly,