Punished; and the
aldermen, or a majority of them, have a negative in whatever is
propounded in the Common Council.
2. The Court of Hustings is esteemed the most ancient tribunal in
the City, and was established for the preservation of the laws,
franchises, and customs of it. It is held at Guildhall before the
Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and in civil causes the Recorder sits as
judge. Here deeds are enrolled, recoveries passed, writs of right,
waste, partition, dower, and replevins determined.
3. The Lord Mayor's Court, a court of record, held in the chamber
of Guildhall every Tuesday, where the Recorder also sits as judge,
and the Lord Mayor and Aldermen may sit with him if they see fit.
Actions of debt, trespass, arising within the City and liberties, of
any value, may be tried in this court, and an action may be removed
hither from the Sheriff's Court before the jury is sworn.
The juries for trying causes in this and the Sheriff's Courts, are
returned by the several wards at their wardmote inquests at
Christmas, when each ward appoints the persons to serve on juries
for every month in the year ensuing.
This court is also a court of equity, and gives relief where
judgment is obtained in the Sheriff's Court for more than the just