Qu'ario de Paradis!
Que maesta divine!
Salamon es d'advis,
Giugiar de uvostro mino;
Vous dis plus bello:
E lou dis ben soven
De toutoi lei femello,
E non s'engano ren.
What air of Paradise!
What majesty divine!
Solomon is of opinion,
To judge of your appearance;
Says you are the fairest
And it is often said
Of all females,
And we are not all deceived.
Qu'ario de Paradis!
Que maesta divine!
La bellezzo eblovis;
La bonta l'ueigl raffino.
Sias couronado;
Tenes lou monde en man
Sus del trono assettado,
Riges lou avostre enfan.
What air of Paradise!
What majesty divine!
The beauty dazzles;
The goodness purifies the eye:
You are crowned:
You hold the world in your hand:
Seated on the throne,
You support your child.
You see I have not chosen this canzon for the beauty and elegance
of thought and expression; but give it you as the only printed
specimen I could find of the modern Provencal. If you have any
curiosity to be further acquainted with the Patois, I will
endeavour to procure you satisfaction. Meanwhile, I am, in plain
English, - Dear Sir, Ever yours.
NICE, November 10, 1764.
DEAR SIR, - I had once thoughts of writing a complete natural
history of this town and county: