We sailed this day south-south-east ofward, and laid it a tric.
The next day was calm and thick, with a great sea.
The next day we sailed south and by east two leagues, and at 8 of
the clock in the forenoon we cast about to the eastward.
The sixth day it cleared, and we ran north-west into the shore to
get a harbour, and being towards night, we notwithstanding kept at
The seventh day we plied room with the shore, but being near it it
waxed thick, and we bare off again.
The eighth day we bended in towards the shore again.
The ninth day we sounded, but could get no ground at 130 fathoms.
The weather was calm.
The tenth I took four men and myself, and rode to shore, to an
island one league from the main, and there the flood setteth south-
west along the shore, and it floweth as near as I could judge so
too. I could not tarry to prove it, because the ship was a great
way from me, and I feared a fog; but when I came ashore it was low
water. I went to the top of the islands and before I came back it
was hied a foot water, and so without tarrying I came aboard.