[Sidenote: The succession of the kingdom.] I haue sayd before that hee hath
foure wiues, and as many: concubines as him listeth: and if he chance to
haue any children by any of his concubines, and be minded that any of those
children shall inherite after him, then when one of his wiues dieth, the
concubine whom hee so fauoureth, hee maketh one of his wiues, and the
childe whom he so loueth best, he ordaineth to bee king after him.
[Sidenote: Circumcision.] What I heard of the maner of their mariages, for
offending of honest consciences and chaste ears, I may not commit to
writing: their fasting I haue declared before. They vse circumcision vnto
children of seuen yeeres of age, as do the Turkes.
[Sidenote: Their houses, and maner of eating.] Their houses (as I haue
sayd) are for the most part made of bricke, not burned but only dried in
the Sunne: In their houses they haue but litle furniture of houshold
stuffe, except it be their carpets and some copper worke: for all their
kettles and dishes wherein they eate, are of copper. They eate on the
ground, sitting on carpets crosse legged as do Tailors. There is no man so
simple but he sitteth on a carpet better or worse, and the whole house or
roume wherein he sitteth is wholy couered with carpets.