70. deg. 26. min.] The same day we found the pole to be
eleuated 70. degrees 26. minutes: [Sidenote: The supposed maine of Noua
Zembla.] we lay along the coast Northwest, thinking it to be an Island, but
finding no end in rowing so long, we supposed it to be the maine of Noua
Xembla. [Footnote: They were really in the Gulf of Petchora.] About 2. in
the afternoone we laide it to the Southward to double the ice, which wee
could not doe vpon that boorde, so that we cast about againe and lay West
along vnder the ice. About seuen in the afternoone we gote about the
greatest part thereof. About 11. a clock at night we brought the ice
Southeast of us, and thus we were ridde of this trouble at this time.
The 15. day about 3. in the morning, the winde was at South southwest: wee
cast about and lay to the Eastwards: the winde did Wester, so that wee lay
South southwest with a flawne sheete, and so we ranne all the same day.
About 8. in the after noone we sounded, and had 23. fadoms small grey sand.
This night at twelue of the clocke we sounded againe, and had 29. fadoms
sand, as afore.
The 16. day vnto 3. in the morning we hald along East Southeast, where we
found 18. fadoms red sand, then we hald along Northeast. [Sidenote: Many
ouerfals.] In these soundings wee had many ouerfals. This day at 10. of the
clocke we met with more ice, which was very great, so that we coulde not
tell which way to get cleere of it. Then the winde came to the South
Southeast, so that we lay to the Northwards. We thought that way to cleere
our selues of it, but that way we had more ice. About 6. in the afternoone,
the wind came to the East. Then we lay to the Southwards that wee had 30
fadoms black oze. This day we found the pole to bee eleuated 69. deg. 40.
minutes, and this night at 12. a clocke we had 41. fadoms red sand.
The 17. day at 3. in the morning, we had 12. fadoms. At 9. we had 8. and 7.
all this day we ran South and South by West, at the depth aforesaid, red
sand, being but shallow water. At eight in the aftemoone, the winde with a
showre and thunder came to the Southwest, and then we ranne East Northeast.
[Sidenote: The bay of Pechora.] At 12. at night it came to the South and by
East, and all this was in the bay of Pechora.
The 18. day at 7. in the morning we bare with the headland of the bay,
where wee founde two Islands. There are also ouerfals of water or tides. We
went betweene the maine and the Island, next to the head, where we had
about 2. fadoms and a halfe. We found the pole eleuated 69. deg. 13.
minutes. [Sidenote: They had sight of Vaigatz.] This day we had sight of
Vaigatz: the land of the maine of Pechora did trend Southeast, we hald East
southeast, and had 10. fadoms oze all the same day vntill 4. in the after
noone, then being calme, we ankered in 10. fadoms all the same night.
The 19. day at two in the morning we set saile, and ran South and South
southwest all the same day at 8. 7. and 6. fadoms, this was off the South
part of Vaigatz, this part of the land lieth North and South. This day at
4. in the afternoone we found shallow water sometime 4. fadoms, sometime 3.
and 2. and a halfe, and one fadome and a halfe: there we ankered and sent
our boate away to sound, and all to leeward we had 4 foote and 3. foote,
and 2. foot, there was not water for the boate betweene Vaigatz and the
other side: finding no more water, there was no other way but to goe backe
as we came in, hauing the wind Northwest, so at twelue at night we set
The 20. day we plied to the Northwards, and got deepe water againe 6. and
7. fadoms.
The 21. day the winde by the Northwest, we hald along the coast North and
North northwest, we had 8. and 9. and 10. fadoms.
The 22. day the winde came to the Southwest, we bare along the coast of
Vaygatz, as we found it to lie North and by West, and North northwest, and
North. [Sidenote: An Island hauing store of wood and water.] The winde
blewe very much with great fogge, we lacking Water and wood bare within an
Island where wee founde great store of wood and water, there were three or
foure goodly sounds. Vnder two points there was a crosse set vp, and a man
buried at the foote of it. Vpon the said crosse Master Pet did graue his
name with the date of our Lorde, and likewise vpon a stone at the foote of
the crosse, and so did I also, to the end that if the William did chaunce
to come thither, they might haue knowledge that wee had bene there. At
eight in the afternoone the winde came to the North northwest, we set saile
and turned out of the Bay. The same night the winde came to the West, so
that wee lay North along the land.
[Sidenote: 6. faire islands.] The 23. day at fiue in the morning, the wind
came to the Southwest, a Sea boord we sawe a great number of faire Islands,
to the number of sixe: a sea boord of these Islands, there are many great
ouerfals, as great streames or tides: we halde Northeast and East northeast
as the land did trend. At eight aforenoone the winde came to the Southeast
with very much wind, raine and fogge, and very great store of ice a sea