14 Item more, that the sayd Cariers do demaund no more of them, then their
agreement was to pay them.
15 Item more, if they be at a price with any Cariers, and haue giuen
earnest, the camel-men to see they keepe their promise.
16 Item, if any of the said merchants be in feare to trauel to giue them
one or more to go with them and see them in safetie with their goods, to
the place they will goe vnto.
17 Item, in all places, to say, in all cities, townes or villages on the
high way, his subiects to giue them honest roume, and victuals for their
18 Item, the sayd merchants may in any place, where they shall thinke best,
build or buy any house or houses to their owne vses. And no person to
molest or trouble them, and to stand in any Carauan where they will, or
shal thinke good.
The commodities which the merchants may haue by this trade into Persia are
thought to bee great, and may in time perhaps be greater then the Portugals
trade into the East Indies, forasmuch as by the way of Persia into England,
the returne may be made euery yeere once: