And if any stranger by chance had killed one of them, they would haue the
life, of two for one slaine, and for the debts of any stranger would take
the goods of any other of the same nation, with many other such like
abuses, in maner vnknowen to the prince, before the complaints of our men
made vnto him for reformation of such abuses: which were the cause that no
merchant strangers of contrary religion durst come into his dominions with
their commodities, which might be greatly to the profite of him and his
The Articles of the second priuiledge deliuered to Laurence Chapman, which
are to be annexed vnto the former priuiledge.
10 Item, that the merchants haue free libertie, as in their first
priuiledge, to goe: vnto Gilan, and all other places of his dominions, now
or hereafter when occasion shall be giuen.
11 Item, if by misfortune any of their ships should breake, or fall vpon
any part of his dominions on the sea coast, his subiects to helpe with all
speed to saue the goods and to be deliuered to any of the sayd merchants
that liueth: or otherwise to be kept in safetie vntil any of them come to
demaund them.
12 Item, if any of the said merchants depart this life in any citie or
towne, or on the high way, his gouernours there to see their goods safely
kept, and to be deliuered to any other of them that shall demand them.