For in finding ample vent of
any thing that is to be wrought in this realme, is more woorth to our
people besides the gaine of the merchant, then Christchurch, Bridewell, the
Sauoy, and all the Hospitals of England.
For banketting on shipboord persons of credite.
First, the sweetest perfumes to set vnder hatches to make the place sweet
against their comming aboord, if you arriue at Cambalu, Quinsey, or in any
such great citie, and not among Sauages.
Figs barrelled.
Raisins of the sunne.
Comfets of diuers kinds made of purpose by him that is most excellent, that
shal not dissolue.
Prunes damaske.
Dried Peares.
Oliues to make them taste their wine.
The apple Iohn that dureth two yeres to make shew of our fruits.
Vials of good sweet waters, and casting bottels of glasses to besprinkle
the ghests withall, after their comming aboord.
Suger to vse with their wine if they will.
The sweet oyle of Zante, and excellent French vineger, and a fine kind of
Bisket stieped in the same do make a banketting dish, and a little Sugar
cast in it cooleth and comforteth, and refresheth the spirits of man.
Cynamon water/Imperiall water: is to be had with you to make a shew of by
taste, and also to comfort your sicke in the voyage.
With these and such like, you may banket where you arriue the greater and
best persons.
Or with the gift of these Marmelades in small boxes, or small vials of
sweet waters you may gratifie by way of gift, or you may make a merchandize
of them.
The Mappe of England and of London.
Take with you the mappe of England set out in faire colours, one of the
biggest sort I meane, to make shew of your countrey from whence you come.
And also the large Mappe of London to make shew of your Citie. And let the
riuer be drawen full of Ships of all sorts, to make the more shew of your
great trade and traffike in trade of merchandize.
Ortelius booke of Mappes.
If you take Ortelius booke of Mappes with you to marke all these Regions,
it were not amisse: and if need were to present the same to the great Can,
for it would be to a Prince of marueilous account.
The booke of the attire of all Nations.
Such a booke caried with you and bestowed in gift would be much esteemed,
as I perswade my selfe.
If any man will lend you the new Herball and such Bookes as make shew of
herbes, plants, trees, fishes, foules and beasts of these regions, it may
much delight the great Can, and the nobilitie, and also their merchants to
haue the view of them: for all things in these partes so much differing
from the things of those regions, since they may not be here to see them,
by meane of the distance, yet to see those things in a shadow, by this
meane will delight them.
The booke of Rates.
Take with you the booke of Rates, to the end you may pricke all those
commodities there specified, that you shall chance to find in Cambalu, in
Quinsey, or in any part of the East, where you shall chance to be.
Rowles of Parchment, for that we may vent much without hurt to the Realme,
and it lieth in small roume.
To carie Glew, for that we haue plenty and want vent.
Red Oker for Painters.
To seeke vent because we haue great mines of it, and haue no vent.
Sope of both kindes.
To try what vent it may haue, for that we make of both kinds, and may
perhaps make more.
To try what vent you may haue of Saffron, because this realme yeelds the
best of the world, and for the tillage and other labours may set the poore
greatly in worke to their reliefe.
By new deuises wonderful quantities may be made here, and therefore to
seeke the vent.
Blacke Conies skins.
To try the vent at Cambalu, for that it lieth towards the North, and for
that we abound with the commoditie, and may spare it.
Threed of all colours.
The vent may set our people in worke.
Copper Spurres and Hawkes bels.
To see the vent for it may set our people in worke.
A note and Caueat for the Merchant.
That before you offer your commodities to sale, you indeuour to learne what
commodities the countrey there hath. For if you bring thither veluet,
taffeta, spice, or any such commoditie that you your selfe desire to lade
your selfe home with, you must not sell yours deare, least hereafter you
purchase theirs not so cheape as you would.
Seeds for sale.
Carie with you for that purpose all sorts of garden seeds, as wel of sweete
strawing herbs, and of flowers, as also of pot herbes and all sorts for
roots, &c.
Lead of the first melting.
Lead of the second melting of the slags.
To make triall of the vent of Lead of all kinds.
English iron, and wier of iron and copper.
To try the sale of the same.
To try the vent of the same, because we abound with it made in the Realme.
Antimonie a Minerall.
To see whether they haue any ample vse there for it, for that we may lade
whole nauies of it, and haue no vse of it vnlesse it be for some small
portion in founding of bels, or a litle that the Alcumists vse: