The Lord prosper the mans desires and forwardnesse, blesse his good
beginnings, further his proceedings, and grant vnto him most happy issue.
Fare you well good sir and my singular friend. From Arusburg vpon the riuer
of Ossella, the 20. of February, 1581.
Yours wholly at commandement,
Iohn Balak
Master Anthonie Ienkinson in a disputation before her Maiestie with sir
Humfrey Gilbert for proofe of a passage by the Northeast to Cathaya, among
other things alleageth this: videlicet, that there came a continuall
streame or currant through Mare glaciale, of such swiftnesse as a Colmak
told him, that if you cast any thing therein, it would presently be caried
out of sight towards the West, &c.
* * * * *
A testimonie of the Northeasterne Discouerie made by the English, and of
the profite that may arise by pursuing the same: taken out of the second
volume of Nauigations and Voyages, fol. 17. of the notable Cosmographer
M. Iohn Baptista Ramusius, Secretaire to the State of Venice: Written in
Italian in the yeere, 1557.
D'alla parte poi di sotto la nostra Tramontana, che chiascuno scrittore et
Cosmographo di questi et de passati tempi fin'hora vi ha messo e mette mare
congelato, et che la terra corra continuamente fino a 90.