The aforesaid Abilfada Ismael describing afterward the habitable places of
the earth, which the Ocean sea in his circuit toucheth, sayth in this
manner following.
[Sidenote: The Countrey of China. The coasts of the vttermost Tartars.
Certaine vnknowne Countreys. The Northern coasts of Russia. The Northwest.]
The Ocean sea turneth from the East toward the Countrey of the Chinaes, and
stretcheth toward the North, and at length hauing passed the sayd Countrey,
it reacheth vnto the Gogi and Magogi, that is, to the confines of The
vttermost Tartars, and from thence vnto certaine vnknowen Countreys: and
running still Westward it passeth vpon the Northerne coasts of Russia, and
from thence it runneth toward Northwest, (which it doth indeede vpon the
coast of Lappia.) By this most notable testimony it appeareth, that the
Ocean sea compasseth and enuironeth all the East, Northeast, and North
parts of Asia and Europe.
The Emperors priuate or houshold Officers.
The chiefe Officers of the Emperors houshold are these which follow.
[Sidenote: Master of the Horse.] The first is the office of the Boiaren
Conesheua, or master of the Horse. Which conteineth no more then is
expressed by the name, that is to be ouerseer of the Horse, and not
Magister equitum, or Master of the Horsemen. For he appointeth other for
that seruice, as occasion doth require, as before was sayd. He that beareth
that office at this time, is Boris Pheodorowich Godonoe, brother to the