Without any meanes to shake off that yoke, or to relieue themselues.
[Sidenote: Siberia.] In Siberia (where he goeth on in pursuing his
conquest) he hath diuers castles and garisons to the number of 6000
souldiers of Russes and Polonians, and sendeth many new supplies thither,
to plant and inhabite, as he winneth ground. [Sidenote: The kings brother
of Siberia.] At this time besides he hath gotten the kings brother of
Siberia, allured by certaine of his captaines, to leaue his own country by
offers of great entertainment and pleasanter life with the Russe Emperor,
then he had in Siberia. [Sidenote: 1588.] He was brought in this last yere,
and is now with the Emperor at Mosco well enterteined.
Of the Tartars, and other borderers to the country of Russia, with whom
they haue most to doe in warre, and peace.
Their neighbors with whom they haue greatest dealings and intercourse, both
in peace and war, are first the Tartar. [Sidenote: The Polonians called
Laches by the Russe.] Secondly the Polonian whom the Russe calleth Laches,
noting the first author or founder of the nation, who was called Laches or
Leches, whereunto is added Po, which signifieth People, and is so made
Polaches, that is, the People or posterity of Laches: