But when they deale with the Polonian (of whose forces they make
more account) they go better furnished with all kind of munition, and other
necessarie prouisions. It is thought that no Prince of Christendome hath
better store of munition, then the Russe Emperour. And it may partly
appeare by the Artillery house at Mosco, where are of all sortes of great
Ordinance, all brasse pieces, very faire, to an exceeding great number.
The Russe souldier is thought to be better at his defence within some
castle or towne, then he is abroad at a set pitched field. Which is euer
noted in the practise of his warres, and namely at the siege of Vobsco,
about eight yeres since: [Sidenote: 1580.] where he repulsed the Polonian
king Stepan Batore, with his whole armie of 100000 men, and forced him in
the end to giue ouer his siege, with the losse of many of his best
Captaines and souldiers. But in a set field the Russe is noted to haue euer
the worse of the Polonian and Sweden.
[Sidenote: Reward for valure.] If any behaue himselfe more valiantly then
the rest, or do any special piece of seruice, the Emperor sendeth him a
piece of golde, stamped with the Image of Saint George on horsebacke: Which
they hang on their sleeues, and set in their caps.