The fourth is called Duyna, many hundred miles long, that falleth Northward
into the bay of S. Nicholas, and hath great Alabaster rockes on the bankes
towards the sea side.
The fifth Duna, that emptieth into the Baltick sea by the towne Riga.
The sixt Onega, that falleth into the Bay at Solouetsko 90. verst from the
port of S. Nicholas. This riuer below the towne Cargapolia, meeteth with
the Riuer Volock, that falleth into the Finland Sea by the towne Yama. So
that from the port of S. Nicholas into the Finland sea, and so into the
Sound, you may passe all by water, as hath bene tried by the Russe.
The seuenth Suchana, that floweth into Duyna, and so into the North Sea.
The eight Ocka, that fetcheth his head from the borders of the Chrim, and
streameth into Volgha.
The ninth Moscua, that runneth thorough the Citie Mosco, and giueth it the
There is Wichida also a very large and long riuer that riseth out of
Permia, and falleth into Volgha.