13 Of their borderers with whom they haue most to doe in warre and peace.
14 Of their church officers and degrees.
15 Of their liturgie or forme of Church seruice.
16 Of their maner of administring the Sacraments.
17 Of the doctrine of the Russe church.
18 Of the maner of solemnizing their marriages.
19 Of the other ceremonies of the Russe church.
Thirdly, the Oeconomie or priuate behauiour of the Russe containing these
1 Of the Emperors houshold officers, and order of his house.
2 Of the priuate behauiour and maner of the Russe people.
The description of the countrey of Russia, with the bredth, length, and
names of the Shires.
The countrey of Russia was sometimes called Sarmatia. It changed the name
(as some do suppose) for that it was parted into diuers smal, and yet
absolute gouemments, not depending, nor being subiect the one to the other.
For Russe in that tongue doeth signifie as much as to part, or diuide. The
Russe reporteth that foure brethren, Trubor, Rurico, Sinees, and Variuus
deuided among them the North parts of the country. Likewise that the South
parts were possessed by 4. other, Kio, Scieko, Choranus, and their sister
Libeda: each calling his territorie after his owne name. Of this partition
it was called Russia, about the yere from Christ 860. [Sidenote: Strabo in
his 7.