Also they shall not send any of their Russe seruants about into any citie
to ingrosse, or buy vp commodities, but into what citie they themselues
shal come, they shal buy and sel, and shal sel their owne commodities and
not ours.
And when they shal come into our inheritance of great Nouogrod and Plesko,
and through all our dominions with their commodities, then our noblemen,
and captains, and euery one of our officers shall suffer them to depart
according to this our letter, and shall take no custom at all of them, for
any of their commodities, neither for passing through or passing by, nor
for passage ouer any bridges, nor shall take of them any other dutie
whatsoeuer name they haue.
Also into what places of our dominion, or when they shal happen to come,
and to proceed to buy or sell, and wheresoeuer they shall passe through
with goods not buying of any commodities, neither will sell their owne,
then in those cities and townes they shall take no maner of custome or
dutie of them accordingly as before.
And I haue gratified them and giuen them free leaue to traffique throughout
all the dominions of our kingdom in all cities with their goods, to buy and
sell all maner of commodities, without any dutie or custome whatsoeuer.