Europe - The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques And Discoveries Of The English Nation - Volume 4 - Collected By Richard Hakluyt
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Yeere thy Maiesties treasurer Peter Gholauen tooke of vs for thy
Maiestie, cloth of sundry sorts, and hath not payd of the money due
therefore 538 robles.
In the 88. yere, thy diakes Andrea Shalkan, and Istomay Yeuskoy tooke of vs
lead for thy Maiestie, to the value of 267. robles and a halfe not payd.
And in the same yeere thy Maiesties diak Boris Gregoriwich had for thy vse
15. broad cloths of diuerse sorts, prised at 210. robles, whereof 90.
robles are vnpayd.
Also in the said 88. yere thy diak Andrea Shalkan tooke from vs 1000.
robles for thee (Lord) in ready money, yet we know not whether by thy
Maiesties appointment.
And also in the 89. yeere (Lord) thy diak Andrea Shalkan tooke from vs for
thy Maiesty 500. robles, we know not whether by thy Maiesties order or no,
because that thy authorized people do yeerely take away from vs, neither do
they giue vs right in any cause.
All the mony (Lord) which is not payd vs out of thy Maiesties treasury for
our commodities or wares, with the money taken from vs by Andrea Shalkan,
is 4273. robles 25. altines.
Right noble king and Lord, shew thy mercy, and cause the money to be payd
vs which is owing for our goods, as also that which has beene taken from
vs: extend thy fauor, King and Lord.
* * * * *
A letter of M. Henrie Lane to the worshipfull M. William Sanderson,
conteining a briefe discourse of that which passed in the the Northeast
discouery for the space of three and thirtie yeres.
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