Now whilest the ambassador was thus strongly possest of the Emperours
fauor, he imployed himselfe in all he might, not onely for the speedy
dispatch of the negociation he had in hand, but laboured also by all the
good means he might, further to benefit his country and countreymen, and so
not long after wanne at the Emperours hands not onely all those things he
had in commission to treat for by his instructions, but also some other of
good and great importance, for the benefit of the merchants.
Priuate sutes obteined of the Emperor by the ambassador.
Leaue for Richard Fransham an English man and apothecary to the Emperour,
his wife, and children to come home into England, and to bring with him all
such goods as he had gotten there.
He obteined like leaue for Richard Elmes an English man one of the
Emperours surgions.
He also got leaue for Iane Ricards the widow of Doctor Bomelius a Dutchman,
and physician to the Emperour, who, for treason practised with the king of
Pole against the sayd Emperour, was rosted to death at the city of Mosco,
in the yere 1579.
These following he obteined for the behoofe of the merchants.