M. Cole.], and doctor Iacob his English
physician, might set downe the points of the religion in vse in England,
which the Ambassadour caused to be done accordingly, and sent them vnto
him, who seemed so well to like them, as he caused them (with much good
allowance) to be publikely read before diuers of his councell, and many
others of his nobility.
Now he drew hotly againe in question to marry, some kinsewoman of her
Maiesties, and that he would send againe into England, to haue some one of
them to wife, and if her Maiestie would not vpon his next Ambassage send
him such a one as he required, himselfe would then goe into England, and
cary his treasure with him, and marry one of them there.
Here you must vnderstand that the yeere before this ambassage, he had sent
to her Maiesty by his ambassador to haue had the lady Mary Hastings in
marriage, which intreaty by meanes of her inability of body, by occasion of
much sicknesse, or perhaps, of no great liking either of herselfe or
friends, or both, tooke no place.
The ambassador was now so farre growen into the Emperors fauor, and his
affection so great to England, as those great councellors that were the
Ambassadors great enemies before, were now desirous of some publike
courtesies at his hands for their aduantage to the Emperour: