At three in
the afternoone there came downe very much wind by the South, and all night
with vehement blastes, and raine.
The 30 day all day the wind was at Westsouthwest. And in this sound the
pole is eleuated 63 deg. 10 min.
The first day of October the winde was at South with very much winde, and
vehement blastes.
The 7 day we set saile: for from the first of this moneth untill this 7
day, we had very foule weather, but specailly the fourth day when the wind
was so great, that our cables brake with the very storme, and I do not
think that it is possible that any more wind then that was should blow: for
after the breaking of our cable, we did driue a league, before our ankers
would take any hold: but God be thanked the storme began to slacke,
otherwise we had bene in ill case.
The 7. at night we came to an anker vntil the next day, which was the 8.
day of the moneth, when as the winde grew great againe, with raine,
whereupon we set saile and returned into the sound againe: and at our first
comming to an anker, presently there blew so much winde, that although our
best anker was out, yet the extremitie of the storm droue vs vpon a ledge
of rocks, and did bruse our ship in such sort, that we were constrained to
lighten her to saue her, and by this meanes (by the helpe of God) we got
off our ship and stopped our leakes, and moored her in good safetie abiding
for a wind.