Within it is but
shoale water, 4 5 and 3 fadoms, sandie ground, the land is very high, and
the Church that is seene is called Helike Kirke. It doeth high here not
aboue S or 9 foote.
[Sidenote: Lowfoote.] The 12 day at 3 in the afternoone, we put into a
sound by Lowfoote, where it doeth flowe Southwest, and by South, and doth
high 7 or 8 foote water.
The 13 day much wind at West: we had a ledge of rocks in the wind of vs,
but the road was reasonable good for all Southerly and Westerly winds. We
had the maine land in the winde of vs: this day was stormie with raine.
[Sidenote: The sound of Romesal.] The 23 day at foure of the clocke in the
afternoone we put into Norway, into a sound called Romesal, where it
floweth Southsoutheast, and doth high 8 foote water: this place is full of
low Islands, and many good sounds without the high mountaine land. Here is
great store of wood growing, as firre, birch, oke, and hasell: all this
night the wind was at the South, very much winde, with raine and fogge.
The 28 day in the morning the wind being at Eastnortheast we set saile at 8
of the clocke, and haled out of the bay Westsouthwest, and Southwest,
hauing a goodly gale vntill one of the clocke, and then the wind came to
Southeast, and to the South with raine and fogge, and very much winde: