The wind after came to the North, and North by East,
and we lay East and East by North, then we layd it to the Westward againe:
and thus we lay till we came to fortie fadoms, and then we went Northwest
till wee came to fourteene fadoms, and so to tenne fadoms. Then we cast
about to the Eastwards and lay East, and East by North all the same night.
The 24 day at 8 in the morning we had 32 fadoms. We ran Northwest till we
came to 11 fadoms, then we lay to the Northwards till 12 at night, and then
we came to forty fadoms, then the wind at Northeast we lay to the
Westwards, and haled Northeast along.
The 25 at 4 in the morning we had 37 fadoms, wee ranne Northwest, the winde
at Northnortheast very much.
The 26 day we ran with the same winde, and found the pole to be eleuated 70
deg. 40 min.
The 27 at 7 in the morning we saw land, which we made to be Kegor, then we
haled Northwest, and North by West to double the North Cape.
The 28 day at 3 in the morning we ran Northwest, and so all day. At night
the wind came to the Southwest, and we ran Northwest all that night.