X. Articles for the commission of the merchants of this country residant in
Russia and at the Wardhouse, for the second voyage, 1555
Sub-section I.
The othe ministred to the servants of the fellowship
XI. The letter of M. George Killingworth and...touching their
enterteinement in their second voyage anno 1555
Notice of coines, weights and measures used in Russia written by John
Hasse, in the yeere 1554.
XII. A copie of the first privileges graunted by the Emperour of Russia to
the English Marchants, 1556.
XIII. The charter of the Marchants of Russia granted upon the discoverie of
the saide countrey by King Philip and Queene Marie
XIV. Certaine instructions delivered in the third voyage for Russia. Anno
XV. The navigation and discoverie toward the river of Ob. made by Master
Steven Burrough in the yere 1556
XVI. Certaine notes unperfectly written by Richard Johnson, servant to
Master Richard Chancelour, which was in the discoverie of Vaigatz,
XVII. A discourse of the honorable receiving into England of the first
ambassador from the Emperor of Russa in the yere of Christ, 1556,
registred by Master John Incent, protonotarie
XVIII. The voyage of M. Stephen Burrough an. 1557, which was sent to seeke
the Bona Esperanza, the Bona Confidentia, and the Philip and Mary,
which were not heard of the yeere before
XIX. Instructions given to the masters and mariners passing this yeere
1577, toward the bay of St. Nicholas in Russia
XX. A letter of the company of the marchants adventurers to Russia, unto
George Killingworth, Richard, Giay, and Henry Lane
XXI. A letter of Master Thomas Hawtrey to the Worshipfull Master Henrie
Lane (1557)
XXII. A letter of Master Richard Gray to Master Henric Lane (1558)
XXIII. A letter of Thomas Alcock to Richard Gray and Henrie Lane (1558)
XXIV. A letter of Master Anthonie Jenkinson to Master Henrie Lane (1559)
XXV. A letter of the Muscovie Compaide to Henry Lane, Christopher Hudson,
and Thomas Glover (1560)
XXVI. Another letter to the foresaid parties (1560)
XXVII. The manner of Justice by lots in Russia written by Master Henrie
XXVIII. The first voyage made by Master Anthonie Jenkinson toward the land
of Russia
XXIX. The voyage wherein Osep Napea the Moscovite Ambassadour returned home
into his countrey.... and a large description of the maners of the
Sub-section I.
Of the Emperour
Sub-section II.
Of their religious men
Sub-section III.
Of their baptisme
Sub-section IV.
Of their matrimonie
Sub-section V.
Of their buriall
Sub-section VI.
The names of certaine sortes of drinkes used in Russia
XXX. The voyage of Master Anthony Jenkinson to the citie of Boghar (1558).
written by himselfe
Addendum (_a_).
The latitudes of certaine places of Russia
Addendum (_b_).
The way from Astrakan to Cathaya
Addendum (_c_).
Another way more sure to traveile
Addendum (_d_).
Another route
Addendum (_e_).
Another way neere the sea coast
Addendum (_f_).
Certaine countries of the Samoeds
Addendum (_g_).
The way from Tanris to Campion in Cathay
XXXL A letter of Sigismond king of Polonia to Elizabeth