By Cuyne
ANDREW, duke of Russia
ANDREW, (Friar) visits the Caspian
ANTIOCH taken by the French
AQUILEIA (Patriarch of) attacks Tartars
ARCTIC OCEAN visited by Tartars
ARMENIANS attacked by Tartars
ASCELLINUS (Friar) sent to Tartary
ASSASSIN, origin of word
ASSASSINI, a mountain tribe
ASTAR, mentioned
ASTRACAN, mentioned
AUSTRIA (Duke of) attacks Tartars
AZOV, mentioned
AZOV, (Sea of)
BAATU. See _Bathy_
BADEN (Earl of) said to attack Tartars.
BALDACH (Caliph of) attacked by Tartars - Mentioned
BAN, brother to Bathy, put to death
BARCHIN besieged
BARTHOLOMEW OF CREMONA accompanies Rubruquis to Tartary - Sent back by Bathy
to Sartach.
BATHY. His expedition - Carpini sent to him - His power - Receives Carpini -
Revisited by Carpini - Mentioned - His wives - His reception of Rubruquis
BEARS, mentioned
BEAUVAIS (Vincent of), see _Beluacensis_
BELUACENSIS (V.), quoted - note on
BENEDICT (Friar) accompanies J. de Piano Carpini
BERTA, mentioned
BISERSMINIA, mentioned
BLACK SEA. See _Pontus Euximus_
BOHEMIA, mentioned
BOHEMIA (King of) attacks Tartars
BOLAC, mentioned
BOLESAUS, Duke of Silesia
BORISTHENES. See _Dnieper_
BULGARIA (Greater).
BURUTABETH, mentioned.
CAESARIA, mentioned.
CAILAC, mentioned.
CANGLE, mentioned.
CARA CARUM, mentioned.
CARINTHIA (Duke of) attacks Tartars.
Sent to Tartary - Crosses Bohemia - Poland - Russia - Visits Boleslaus -
Conrad - Wasilico - Taken ill - His mission - Received by Bathy - Travels
through Commania and land of Kangittae - Biserminia - Reaches the court
of Cuyne - His reception - Receives letters from Cuyne - Dismissed - His
return home - Mentioned
CASPIAN Sea, mentioned
CATHAY, mentioned.
CAUCASUS, mentioned
CHINGAY, mentioned
CHINGIS KHAN. His origin - Defeated by Mongols - Defeats the Nestorians -
Defeats Kytai - Named Emperor - Attacks the Kirghis and the Troglodytae -
His laws - His death
CLOTH, the chief merchandise in Tartary
COIAT, Sartach's Historiographer
COMANI defeated by Thosut Khan - Their customs
COMMANIA described
CON KHAN, ruler of Kara-Katay
CONRAD, duke of Mazovia
COSMOS, the Tartar drink
CRACOW, mentioned
CRIT, a nomad tribe
CUYNE - Entertains Carpini - Elected Emperor - His appearance - Receives
ambassadors - Parts from his mother - Avenges his father's death -
CYRPODANIS, his expedition
DERBENT, mentioned
DEURUM (Soldan), attacked by the Tartars
DNIEPER (river), mentioned
DON (river), mentioned
ELDEGAY, mentioned
ENGLISHMAN, extraordinary confession of an
ERIVAN (lake), mentioned
FRA PAOLO, mentioned
FROBISHER (M.), quoted
GASARIA, see Caesaria
GEORGIA, attacked by Tartars, mentioned
GERMANY, mentioned
GOSET accompanies Rubruquis, Sent back by Bathy
GOTHS, mercenaries
GUYDO, governor of Trebizond
HAYTHON (Bishop), mentioned
HUNGARIANS at the Court of Bathy, Descended from the Huns
HUNGARY, mentioned
IAEC, see _Rhymuus_
IEROSLAUS, Duke of Russia
IEROSLAUS, Duke of Susdal
INDIA, attacked by Tartars
INNOCENT IV. sends a mission to Tartary
ISIDORE, quoted
IUGURES, idolaters
JERUSALEM, mentioned
JERUSALEM (Knights of), conquer Prussia
KADAC, mentioned
KANGITTAE, mentioned
KENCHAT, mentioned
KEN KHAN, mentioned
KERSOVA, see _Kertch_
KERTCH, mentioned
KIEV, mentioned
KIRGHIS, mentioned
KYTAI, resist Chingis Khan - Use silver for missiles - Conquered - Mentioned
- Make war against the besiegers of Antioch
LANGA, mentioned
LENA DELTA, mentioned
LESGI, a tribe of Saracens
MAEOTIS (lake), mentioned
MANCHERULE (Manchu), mentioned
MANGU KHAN, mentioned
MATRIGA, see _Azov_
MELVILLE, chief engineer of "Jeannette", quoted
MERKIT, see _Crit_
MICHAEAS the malicious
MICHAEL, Duke of Russia, martyred by the Tartars
MOAL, a name of the Tartars
MONSTERS, mentioned
MORDUANS attacked - mentioned
MOXEL, subjects of Sartach
MUC, an eastern nation
NAYMANI, mentioned
NEPER, see _Dnieper_
NESTORIANS defeated by Chingis Khan
NEUSTADT, mentioned
NICHOLAS (servant to Rubruquis)