All these
foresaide grauntes and demaunds doe I Thomas Simkinson acknowledge to be
spoken by Edward Garland to mee, and to be sent to declare the same vnto
Master Iohn Dee. And in witnesse that this is of a trueth I haue written
the same with my owne hand, and thereunto set my name, in Wittingaw,
otherwise called Trebona, the 18. of September, Anno 1586.
By me Thomas Simkinson of Hull.
* * * * *
A letter to the right worshipfull M. Iohn Dee Esquire, conteyning the summe
and effect of M. Edward Garland his message, deliuered to Master Dee
himselfe, (Letterwise) for a more perfect memoriall thereof. Anno 1586.
Right worshipfull, it may please you to vnderstand, that I was sent vnto
you from the most mightie Prince Feodor Iuanowich, Lord, Emperour and great
duke of Russia, &c. As also from the most excellent prince Boris
Feodorowich, Lord Protector of Russia: to giue your worship to vnderstand
the great good will and heartie desire they beare vnto you; for that of
long time they haue had a great good report of your learning and wisedom,
as also of your good counsel vnto Princes: whereupon his Maiesties most
earnest desire and request is vnto you; that you would take the paines to
come vnto his Citie of Mosco, to visite his Maiesties Court: for that hee
is desirous of your company, and also of your good counsell in diuers
matters that his Maiestie shall thinke needfull. And for the great goodwill
that his Maiestie beareth vnto you, he will giue you yeerely toward your
mainteinance 2000. pound starling; and the Lord Protectour will giue you a
thousand rubbles, as also your prouision for your table you shall haue free
out of his Maiesties kitchin: And further whatsoeuer you shall thinke
needefull or conuenient for you, in any part or parts of his dominion, it
shall be at your worships commaundement. And this is the summe and effect
of my message and commandement guien me by his Maiestie and the Lord
In witnesse whereof I haue written this with my owne hand, the 17. of
December 1586.
By me Edward Garland.
In Trebona Castell otherwise called, Wittingaw in Boemia to which place
this M. Edward Garland, came to M. Dee with two Moscouites to serue him,
&c. He had sixe more which by M. Dees counsell were sent backe.
Witnesse M. Edward Kelley, and M. Francis
Garland, brother to foresaid Edward,
and diuers others.
It seemeth that this princely offer of the Emperour Pheodor Iuanowich, and
of the L. Boris Pheoilorowich Protectour to his Maiestie, was made vnto the
learned and famous Mathematitian M. Iohn Dee, partly to vse his counsell
and direction about certaine discoueries to the Northeast; and partly for
some other, weighty occasions: