But the said
English merchants shal enioy them peaceably for themselues and their
families, but shall not suffer any other strangers Russes or others to vse
the aforesaid houses. Also you shall suffer them to lay their wares and
commodities in their warehouses, and to sell their commodities to whom they
please without let or hindrance, by vertue of this our gratious letter.
Their housekeeper being a Russe shall not vndertake to meddle, or sell any
of their wares without they themselues be present, nor to buy any thing for
Also it shalbe lawfull for the said merchants when they shal arriue at
their port to lade and vnlade their merchandises as in times past they haue
done at their pleasure. And when they lade their ships with Russe
commodities or vnlade them, it shalbe lawfull for them to hire any of our
subiects to helpe them for the present time, and for them to carry their
goods to and fro with their owne vessels to S. Michael Archangel, or
Also we command you our authorised people at the sea side as wel Customers
as others to take of the foresaid merchants a note, or remembrance, what
goods they bring in and ship out: whereby it may be knowen what goods come
in and go out. But in no wise shall you open or vnpacke any of their wares
or merchandises.
In like maner when as they ship or sende away any of their countrey
commodities from S. Michael Archangel to any other place, or to our royall
Citie of Mosco yee shall not hinder nor let them any maner of wise for the
shipping of their merchandises in or out by virtue of these our gratious
letters of priuiledge giuen them.
And whensoeuer any of the said English merchants haue any occasion to send
ouer land out of our dominions into their own countrey any of their
seruants or factors, by vertue of this our gratious letter we command you
to giue them their passeport out of the office of our Secretariship.
And whensoeuer any of our subiects hath any thing to do with any of the
foresaid merchants by way of contentions: or that they be damnified or
hindered by any of our subiects: then we appoint and ordeine our Chanceller
and Secretary Vasili Shalcan to heare their causes, and finally to
determine on both sides according to equitie and iustice: and that he shall
search the trueth betweene both parties.
And when the trueth cannot be proued or found out, then to cast lots by
order of the foresaide Iudge, and he to whom the lot shall fall to take his