And all other
grosse and heauy wares that shall be needful to our vse not being brought
to Mosco, to declare and tell our Chancellour of the same wares: And to
giue a note thereof by name, and how much they leaue there, not brought to
Mosco; and then if we neede not the said wares, the English Marchants,
their seruants and Factors, to conuey their wares the neerest way to Vstiug
the great, and so to Colmogorod, or elsewhere at their pleasure, there to
barter and sell the same. But those wares that shalbe needfull for our
Treasurie, they shall not hide from vs in any case.
And when our Chancellours shall send our aduenture, with the said Marchants
or their Factors, they to take our aduentures with them, and to sell, and
to barter for such wares as shalbe meete for our Treasurie, and to returne
it into our Treasurie.
And when we shall sende any aduenture into England then our Chancellour to
giue them a yeeres warning, that their ships may be prouided thereafter,
that by taking in of our wares, they leaue not their owne behind them.
And to take our aduenture yeerely when they goe into Persia.
Neither shall the English marchants receiue or colour any of our peoples
goods, nor barter nor sell it in any wise: