Rowles of Parchment, for that we may vent much without hurt to the Realme,
and it lieth in small roume.
To carie Glew, for that we haue plenty and want vent.
Red Oker for Painters.
To seeke vent because we haue great mines of it, and haue no vent.
Sope of both kindes.
To try what vent it may haue, for that we make of both kinds, and may
perhaps make more.
To try what vent you may haue of Saffron, because this realme yeelds the
best of the world, and for the tillage and other labours may set the poore
greatly in worke to their reliefe.
By new deuises wonderful quantities may be made here, and therefore to
seeke the vent.
Blacke Conies skins.
To try the vent at Cambalu, for that it lieth towards the North, and for
that we abound with the commoditie, and may spare it.
Threed of all colours.
The vent may set our people in worke.
Copper Spurres and Hawkes bels.
To see the vent for it may set our people in worke.
A note and Caueat for the Merchant.
That before you offer your commodities to sale, you indeuour to learne what
commodities the countrey there hath.