The Mappe of England and of London.
Take with you the mappe of England set out in faire colours, one of the
biggest sort I meane, to make shew of your countrey from whence you come.
And also the large Mappe of London to make shew of your Citie. And let the
riuer be drawen full of Ships of all sorts, to make the more shew of your
great trade and traffike in trade of merchandize.
Ortelius booke of Mappes.
If you take Ortelius booke of Mappes with you to marke all these Regions,
it were not amisse: and if need were to present the same to the great Can,
for it would be to a Prince of marueilous account.
The booke of the attire of all Nations.
Such a booke caried with you and bestowed in gift would be much esteemed,
as I perswade my selfe.
If any man will lend you the new Herball and such Bookes as make shew of
herbes, plants, trees, fishes, foules and beasts of these regions, it may
much delight the great Can, and the nobilitie, and also their merchants to
haue the view of them: for all things in these partes so much differing
from the things of those regions, since they may not be here to see them,
by meane of the distance, yet to see those things in a shadow, by this
meane will delight them.