For banketting on shipboord persons of credite.
First, the sweetest perfumes to set vnder hatches to make the place sweet
against their comming aboord, if you arriue at Cambalu, Quinsey, or in any
such great citie, and not among Sauages.
Figs barrelled.
Raisins of the sunne.
Comfets of diuers kinds made of purpose by him that is most excellent, that
shal not dissolue.
Prunes damaske.
Dried Peares.
Oliues to make them taste their wine.
The apple Iohn that dureth two yeres to make shew of our fruits.
Vials of good sweet waters, and casting bottels of glasses to besprinkle
the ghests withall, after their comming aboord.
Suger to vse with their wine if they will.
The sweet oyle of Zante, and excellent French vineger, and a fine kind of
Bisket stieped in the same do make a banketting dish, and a little Sugar
cast in it cooleth and comforteth, and refresheth the spirits of man.
Cynamon water/Imperiall water: is to be had with you to make a shew of by
taste, and also to comfort your sicke in the voyage.