4 For that in Persia they haue great colouring of silks, it behooues you to
learne that also, for that cloth dying and silke dying haue a certaine
affinity, and your merchants mind to bring much raw silke into the Realme,
and therefore it is more requisit you learne the same.
5 In Persia there are that staine linnen cloth: it is not amisse you learne
it if you can: it hath bene an olde trade in England, whereof some
excellent clothes yet remaine: but the arte is now lost, and not to be
found in the Realme.
6 They haue a cunning in Persia to make in buskins of Spanish leather
flowers of many kindes, in most liuely colours, and these the Courtiers do
weare there: to learne which arte were no harme.
7 If any Dier of China, or of the East parts of the world, be to be found
in Persia, acquaint yourselfe with him, and learne what you may of him.
8 You shall finde Anile there, if you can procure the herbe that it is made
of, either by seed or by plant, to cary into England, you may doe well to
endeuour to enrich your countrey with the same: but withall learne you the
making of the Anile, and if you can get the herbe, you may send the same
dry into England, for possibly it groweth here already.